Tuesday, 11 September 2007

CPSU launches TV ads

The Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) has launched a groundbreaking TV advertising campaign aimed at promoting the many benefits of union membership to public sector workers.

Watch the CPSU ad on YouTube here.

CPSU National Secretary Stephen Jones said: "The CPSU has decided to launch these TV advertisements to portray a more realistic face of modern unionism. "At a time when the Howard Government and militant employers are attempting to narrowly stereotype all unionists as overweight men in braces, the ad reinforces that the typical union member these days is a semi-professional, white collar worker looking for practical advice and support at work.
"This unusual step also reflects the fact that in the current industrial climate, union representatives find it extremely difficult to get into workplaces to talk with employees about their issues and the benefits of union membership. "This is an historic initiative. It's the first time unions have marketed the benefits of membership in the mass media via a TV campaign. "It's a positive campaign that links the individual 'value' in joining a union with the collective 'values' of working together.
"The ads are based on extensive research that shows that most workers are not opposed to the idea of union, but unions really need to do a better job of communicating to potential members the benefits of membership.
"These benefits include support at the workplace level if things go wrong, assistance in bargaining wages and conditions as well discounts on travel and home loans.

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