In the first ad, Annette Harris talks about her experience at Spotlight where she was offered an AWA individual contract that removed penalty rates, overtime and meal breaks - all for an extra 2 cents an hour.
In the second ad, a grandfather talks about how - under WorkChoices - his children and grandchildren have lost the workplace rights his generation had fought so hard for.
Spolight on fairness: Annette Harris ad.
Grand dad ad.
The ad with the woman is a good one as she's a real person and that's what she really went through. I imagine that will change some people's vote. But the other one looks like actors to me. I don't doubt for a second it really happens like that, but couldn't they have found a real family to tell their story?
Your first ad does not consider State child employment laws. Perhaps you should give you members factual information instead of being biased?
Mark said.. The first add with the lady is fine (although calling John Howard "my hero" conveys a mixed message). The message from Grandad although genuine and true seems to lack that killer punch for the swinging voter.
During election campaign these sort of ads must have real bite - Make this count as we need 16 seats to get rid of John Howard and his unfair AWA's.
I like the spotlight ad better - more of Howard's battlers need to realise that Howard's not batting for them anymore (as though he ever were)...
The first ad is a lot better for personal impact. The second puts forward a very powerful point, but is weakened by the obvious use of actors.
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