Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Working round the clock

As the Howard Government seeks to soothe unease about its workplace laws, a Bureau of Statistics survey reveals the deep incursion work has already made into family and community life.

The figures show 37 per cent of employees work overtime or extra hours - and about half of them do so for no extra pay. Three in five said they had no say about when they started or finished.

Download the ABS report here and please post a comment.


Anonymous said...

It appears we are just expected to be available at the employers beckon..

Crunchysteve said...

There's an element of needing to stand up and take responsibility in all this. If my boss comes to me with an "urgent" job at the end of my shift, sometimes I'll say yes, others I don't. (Like when I have to pick my youngest up from School.) It's never negotiable, I've always made that clear, but yeh, I'm pretty lucky in my current position, to have a family friendly boss.

Anonymous said...

One more step towards turning Australia into America Mr Howard.