Monday, 30 April 2007

Join2Win campaign kicks off

More than 500 activists have signed up to CPSU’s Join2Win initiative - a key part of the union’s Rights at Work campaign in this election year.

Thirty-second radio ads promoting the value of union membership are currently running in Canberra as part of the CPSU's Join2Win initiative. You can listen to the radio ads here and here (mp3 format)

Join2Win aims to give activists the skills and support they need to get the message out in their communities; and to build support for the union in their workplaces.

In coming months these 500+ people will be talking with members and potential members about the urgent need to join the union and vote for fair workplace rights.

For more information or to join the campaign online click here

Already signed up to Join2Win?

Share your Join2Win experiences by posting a comment below.


Anonymous said...

I heard the radio ads this morning and I reckon its great that the union is getting out there and promoting itself. We need all the help we can get this year to defeat John Howard and his evil workplace laws.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps when the union movement get serious about a fair dinkum campaign for YRAW we may have a chance. At the last Tasmanian election the unions prevented the Greens from speaking in oppostion to the IR laws at a YRAW rally in Hobart. This was to prop up the Tasmanian Labor Party. The same party that shafted Mark Latham's election campaign.

And now the silence is deafening from the unions about the substandard policy by the ALP. No right to strike!!!! A pathetic response from a so called workers party to the workers of Australia. Methinks the unions are only after a share of power at the expense of their members. Combet and Shorten - I can't hear you.

Join2Win - our union leaders want to lose. Get your act together and support us, the workers. Tell me why I should continue to pay my dues.