A CPSU survey of more than 500 public sector workers from all major government agencies has revealed alarm and confusion about a Howard Government plan to slash public service compensation arrangements and remove cover for journey to and from work.
Over 90% of respondents to the
survey were 'very concerned' at the proposed legislative changes.
The legislation currently before the Senate includes:
* removal of compensation protection for injuries sustained during travel to and from work;
* removal of coverage for accidents during lunch and other breaks, or during lunch-time sporting activities.
* harsher claim assessments for workers suffering from psychological and stress related conditions
* an expanded list of management actions that can be potentially excluded from future claims
Close to one-third indicated that the removal of compensation for travel and lunch-time activities would make them less likely to continue walking or riding to and from work, exercising or keeping active during rest breaks.
Nearly 65% of public servants surveyed also felt their employer was not doing enough to reduce the causes of work related stress.
"At times I like to take a walk during breaks or ride my bike, promoting a healthy lifestyle. What am I to do if I have a serious fall or hit by another person?" asked one Medicare employee.
"Many of my staff travel interstate for meetings. Will they be covered on their way to the meeting locations, no matter how they travel, and on their return?" asked Veronica, a public servant.
CPSU National Secretary Stephen Jones condemned the changes as "unfair and unworkable".
"The Government is using these changes simply to cut costs rather than taking positive steps to ensure public sector workers work in an safe and healthy environment," he said.
"The removal of travel and break coverage is just dead wrong. These changes are in stark contrast to existing arrangements for Federal politicians who retain full coverage for injury or illness - whether on the job, traveling or on a break." he said.
"We all know that a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can reduce the chance of getting stress related injuries. So why is the Government making it harder and more risky for its own staff to stay healthy? asked Mr Jones.
CPSU members are stepping their campaign against the changes with hundreds of online
protests sent to Government ministers and Senators last week and further actions planned.
"We'll continue to take this issue up to the Government. All politicians need to be aware of the negative implications of these changes on the public service," he said.
Despite an overwhelming majority of critical submissions, a recent Government controlled senate enquiry rubber-stamped the legislation. The bill is now due for final consideration by the senate later this month.
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