Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Government's OHS Changes will be bad for our health

CPSU needs your help to produce a Senate submission about dangerous changes the Government is planning to make to Commonwealth health, safety and compensations laws.

The changes suggested in the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill will remove the right of Commonwealth employees to claim compensation for injuries sustained: during lunch and other breaks, travelling to or from work, participating in sporting activities at lunch time.

CPSU National Secretary Stephen Jones believes the changes are a cost cutting exercise which place employees at risk. "Currently, workers have the peace of mind that if an unfortunate accident occurs after they leave for work, they will be covered by workers compensation.

"If these new laws are passed, employees will think twice about going out for walks or kicking a footy around with their mates at lunch time. They'll have to stay holed up in their office if they don't want to be liable for any accidents."

CPSU are also lobbying the ALP, the Democrats and the Greens for a commitment that the parties will repeal the unfair laws if they gain power in Parliament.

CPSU wants your views: Your union wants to include the experiences and views of our members in the Senate submission. Tell us what you think about the changes that are being forced through. Have you ever received workers compensation for a journey claim in the past? How do you think the changes will affect you? Will the way your local MP votes in this Bill change affect your vote in the next Federal election?
Email us your comments or post them on our blog.

For more information about the Bill click here

Tuesday, 12 December 2006


Shortly I will be seeking meetings with the newly elected ALP leaders Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard and other Shadow Minsisters.

I want to ensure the leaders of the alternative Government understand the issues that are important to CPSU members - such as fairer workplace laws and a strong, independent public sector.

But are there other priority issues the CPSU should take up with the ALP?

The Enviroment? Welfare? Health? Education? Skills? Medibank?

Please feel free to post your thoughts below and let us know what you're looking for from the new look Federal Opposition.

In Unity
Stephen Jones
CPSU National Secretary.